Professor Harding is the former Vice-Chancellor and President of James Cook University from 2007-22. She is a former Chair of the peak body, Universities Australia, and has served as Chair or member on many review, advisory, accrediting or governing Boards or Committees relevant to higher education, research and economic development in Australia and abroad. Her interests and activities have extended well beyond the higher education sector through her engagement on the Boards of both for-profit and non-profit organisations.

Dr Watt is a former Secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and was the Chairman of BAE Systems Australia. He is a Fellow of the Australia and New Zealand School of Government and serves on the Boards of several for-profit and not-for-profit organisations. Dr Watt is also a Member of the Male Champions of Change and a Member of the Melbourne School of Government Advisory Board at the University of Melbourne.

Professor Williams is the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics at the University of Adelaide. Professor Williams is a member of a number of academic and government committees and the founding Director of the South Australian Law Reform Institute (SALRI).

Professor Shergold is the former Chancellor of Western Sydney University and a former Secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, as well as the Australian Government Department of Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business and the Department of Education, Science and Training. Professor Shergold is the Chair of the New South Wales Education Standards Authority and has undertaken a range of major reviews for Australian state and Commonwealth governments, including the review of Senior Secondary Pathways for Students in 2020.